Trust Frameworks

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Trust Framework and Trustmark Committee (TFTM)

Trust frameworks of varying characteristics exist, and others may emerge. One mission of the IDESG is to guide the development of trust frameworks in accordance with the NSTIC Guiding Principles. The successful completion of this mission requires a committee comprised of framework representatives, attorneys, assessors, and other IDESG constituents to review and resolve trust framework issues that may arise in the areas of interoperability, cross-recognition, privacy, audit, and enforceability. As called out by the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (NSTIC), this committee is also responsible for developing and managing a trustmark program on behalf of the IDESG and its members that will certify candidate entities participating in online transactions that adopt the NSTIC guiding principles into their policies and practices.

Section Content
TFTM Committee Outputs This section holds formal output of the TFTM Committee: Committee Final, Submitted to Management Council, Submitted to Plenary
TFTM Work Plan Space This section is the active working space of the Committee. It has PMO-Lite structures to aid in tracking and developing deliverables.
TFTM Collaboration Space This is an experimental section that will attempt to capture persistent themes that emerge in discussions and forums.

TFTM Committee Meeting Material

TFTM Action Items and Decisions Log Log of action items and decisions arising from TFTM meetings.
TFTM Meeting Attachments Link to material for discussion at TFTM calls and meetings

The material here is to simplify access for meeting attendees - these copies are only for use during committee calls, if appropriate, the files will be posted in the document repository.

Published TFTM Committee Meeting Material is stored in the IDESG Document Repository.

TFTM Tentative Meeting Flight Plan


Date Meeting Topic
2014-05-07 Suess - Trustmark overview, Temoshok: Trust Mark conformance discussion)
2014-04-30 Temoshok: Trust Mark discussion (continued from 2014-04-16)
2014-05-07 Grubbs: update on TFTM 01-05 Analytic Device and Kantara involvement;
2014-05-14 GTRI: GTRI discussion on FICAM and Fair Information Privacy Practices integration into GTRI model
2014-05-21 Internet2: User Privacy Manager for attribute release - update from the pilot
2014-05-28 High level PPT about TFTM work alignment (details to follow)
2014-06-04 Paper development for June Plenary (details to follow)
2014-06-11 Paper development for June Plenary (details to follow)
2014-06-18 Discussions at Gaithersburg Plenary
2014-06-25 Plenary recap
2014-07-02 No meeting
2014-07 Writing efforts and discussion toward the interim plan -- this may mean we are holding joint meetings with other committees to discuss ideas in detail.
2014-08 Scheduled discussion to lead to a vote by TFTM on our work products we want to send to plenary in September.

Topics to be Scheduled

Topics that have been raised by TFTM members - to be scheduled.

Topic Owner
Trust Mark Licensing Contract terms - need discussion when terms are being developed Ann Racuya-Robbins
How much the “Trustmark” or Ecosystem/Framework Certificate should be market driven Ann Racuya-Robbins
Small Business “value proposition” and the second class implications of self-attestation Ann Racuya-Robbins

Prior TFTM Meeting Main Topics

The table indicates the main topics for discussion at past TFTM meetings. The meeting minutes capture the actual topics discussed.

Date Meeting Topic
2014-02-12 David Temoshok: Further discussion of TFTM 01-06 deliverable
2014-02-19 Ken Klingenstein: Periodic Table of Trust Elements
2014-02-26 Adam Madlin: Functional Model - how to help TFTM and Functional Model group work together
Andrew to present on Interim Ecosystem paper draft.
2014-03-05 Joe Grubbs: Presentation of the updated 'analytic device' - the first output of the TFTM 01-05 sub-group
2014-03-12 David Temoshok: update on analysis of GTRI model + TFTM 01-06 analysis to date
2014-03-19 Jack Suess: discussion on how TFTM should make decisions when decisions are needed (consensus process)
2014-04-16 Temoshok: Trust Mark Program discussion
2014-04-23 Meeting cancelled due to Board/Management Council retreat (line is available for sub-group work on request)

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