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Title: Extensible Name Language (xNL) Standard Description Document for W3C DTD/Schema

Category: Naming Standard Specification

Date: 5/31/2002

Creator: OASIS

URL: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ciq/Downloads/ciq_all.zip

Description: A standard for specifying person and organization names (as well as a number of related attributes such as former names, aliases, titles, generational identifiers. It does not provide matching rules for determining equivalence between names.

Privacy: Privacy is explicitly out of scope of the specification (q.v. section 4.4).

Security: Security is explicitly out of scope of the specification (q.v. section 4.4).

Interoperability: This standard is intended to provide an interoperable mechanism for representing human and organization names. It is used by SCAP Asset Identification 1.1 (for example) to represent names for those types of entities.
