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From IDESG Wiki
Revision as of 21:32, 25 October 2018 by Tomjones (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to Identirama, the IDESG's Wiki. Now a part of the Kantara Initiative Educational Foundation

The Identity Ecosystem Framework (IDEF)

The IDEF provides a baseline set of standards and policies that apply to all of the participating trust frameworks. This baseline is more permissive at the lowest levels of assurance, to ensure that it does not serve as an undue barrier to entry, and more detailed at higher levels of assurance, to ensure that participants have adequate protections.

The IDEF is a living document, and will evolve in order to reach the agreed upon policies and technical standards necessary to fulfill the NSTIC’s vision. Currently, the IDEF contains a minimal set of commonly agreed upon recommendations, best practices and standards, but will become more robust over time as participants are able to come to agreement on different aspects of the Identity Ecosystem, not only in general but for key communities of interest and industry segments such as healthcare, financial services and education.

Visit the Identity Ecosystem Framework (IDEF) Wiki page to find out more.

The IDEF Self-Assessment Listing Service (SALS)

The IDESG Self-Assessment Listing Service (SALS) program is designed to build trust online. The SALS is a single web presence where online identity service providers and owners or operators applications that authenticate identity credentials can report their status through self-assessment with a set of common standards for reliable security, privacy, ease of use, cost savings, and user choice and declare their commitment to operate in accordance with the Identity Ecosystem Baseline Functional Requirements.

Visit the SALS Wiki page to find out more about the listing service.

The IDESG Wiki: A common workbench for IDESG activity

This Wiki has been put together and structured to facilitate specific areas of work that, by their nature, are difficult to manage in any other way. The focus is particularly on those activities that require collaboration across and between distinct Identity Ecosystem Steering Group (IDESG) groups and committees.

The Wiki is not organized by IDESG Committee or working group - the website should still be used for managing group-specific documents, work items, calendars, etc. Cross-references between the two can be made but the nature of the Wiki is precisely that everything is subject to change. See Wiki Guidelines for more details.

Structure of the IDESG Wiki

Please check out the IDESG Wiki News page for updates on new activity areas and new functions available on the Wiki.

A new IDESG Priority Action Dashboard to assist with planning and phasing items for Plenary action is under development now.

Also read the Wiki Guidelines page for information on how the site is managed, access permissions, etc., as well as guidelines for best use of the workbench for your activity.

Each main area of activity has a "home page", listed in the drop-down list under "IDESG Activities" in the sidebar to the left. That home page:

  • explains the scope of the activity;
  • lists the current work and its status (with links to each item of work);
  • provides information about how to get involved (often with a simple inline form to create a proposed new work item.