December 14, 2016 VPWG Meeting Page: Difference between revisions

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  • Denise Tayloe
  • Shana Leff
  • Mary Hodder
  • Adam Madlin
  • Adam Migus
  • Bob Pinheiro
  • Christian S. Fond
  • Christine Abruzzi
  • Christopher Spottiswoode
  • Dave Burhop
  • David Temoshok
  • Genevieve Lysandra Aphrodite
  • Jenn Behrens
  • Michael Austin
  • Noreen Whysel
  • Tom Jones
  • Peter Graham
  • Linda Braun, Global Inventures

  • Meeting Minutes
    • No minutes were approved

Meeting Notes

  • Notes captured by Linda Braun
  • Denise Tayloe called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m. EST.
  • Meeting notes taken by Linda Braun, Global Inventures

1. Agenda & Talking Points - Linda
2. Request meeting note taker - Denise
3. Working Group Objectives - Denise

  • IDESG has a real opportunity to make an impact in this area with digital identity for vulnerable populations
  • IDESG needs create buzz for itself and for the identity ecosystem; this is one of the relatively few areas that we can make a big impact. (Yes, others are working in similar areas, but we are the digital identity experts and no one is better qualified)
  • Help to bring awareness and improve digital inclusiveness for these populations
  • Ultimately, SUCCESS is to become the leading resource for these communities related to digital identity

4. Comments and Questions so far?
5. Commitment of participants – I’d like to make sure that I’ll be able to get help in both leading this effort and contributing to the work we undertake.

  • Will someone volunteer to be my co-Chair? Secretary?

6. Discussion
7. What vulnerable populations should we include in our work

  • The working list as a starting point, to initiate the discussion – Minors, Elderly, Disabled, Veterans, LGBTQ, immigrants, refugees
  • What other communities should we consider?
  • We’ll want to document all of the organizations that are currently serving these communities, so we’re aware, connect and possibly collaborate with them. We’ll start a Google doc to capture this list and let everyone add to it.
  • Discussion

8. Any additional discussion or questions? That’s what I wanted to cover today.
9. Actions (out of today’s meeting)

  • Publish meeting minutes
  • Setup regular meetings starting in January, currently targeting either Thursdays, 4 PM ET, or Fridays at 11 AM ET.
  • Have a complete list of vulnerable communities being considered, which will be finalized at our first meeting in January.
  • Have a draft list of organizations that serve these communities that we need to be aware of.
  • Next meeting – second week of January, either Jan 12th or 13th

Meeting Minutes

  • Linda Braun read through the attendee list. A new listserv for the Vulnerable Populations Working Group has been created on Kavi Workspace ( There are currently 44 names on the listserv. Members may unsubscribe to the list by emailing If anyone does not have an account on Kavi Workspace and wishes to do so, please send email to

  • Objectives of meeting – IDESG has an opportunity to make an impact in this area. We need to create a buzz – we may attract people who are not already members of IDESG. There is not a big marketing budget; however, we can attract organizations that may care. We do not want to recreate the wheel, but it does make sense to ID the populations who we can address within the next six months.

  • Denise asked attendees what they considered the top vulnerable populations:
    • Online world (phishing, scams, stolen information), we are all vulnerable at some level. Need to define what vulnerability means. Minors, seniors, how we can help them handle their online identities.
    • Defining the scope for a WG activity and look at vulnerable communities that may have some unique requirements would be at least the initial scope. There is a common thread that goes across those different groups.
    • Denise asked if there was anyone on the call who wanted to discuss other groups not already identified in the agenda. Concentrate on online groups other than refugees. There are a number of organizations already dedicated to helping that group. Seniors, veterans, disabled sector – the support system for those populations.
    • List whatever populations that everyone knows about and who may be working on those populations so we are not overlapping that work – need to find the gaps to concentrate on.
    • We need an internal champion of each sector identified. Denise for Minors. Dave Burhop for Homeless?
    • Denise asked for a co-chair of the VPWG. Please reach out to her or Linda if interested.
    • We do not want to boil the ocean with identity. Keep in mind, while being thought leaders, we want to make a difference within 3-4 months and show the industry we can make a change. Identify less than five populations initially. Keep it small and focused initially.
    • Housing Authority/Homeless population. Not sure if the numbers are there. Having difficulty identifying the number of people in this population. These folks need some form of a credential. This is a population in desperate need.
    • Are we focusing on how these groups are vulnerable online and/or how to make these groups successful online no matter what?
    • The challenge before any of these communities is enablement vs. guidance. Homeless – how to get them online/some form of identification. Children and elderly – guidance.
    • Identify five vulnerable groups. Assume they have some kind of online presence. How are they vulnerable? Look at their vulnerability online. Also look at groups that are vulnerable in the physical world who may have trouble using an authentication method for example – how do we make them successful online?
    • If I am disabled, my ability to do whatever necessary to get a credential is compromised. Or, my being disabled may impact my ability to sign something – requiring a care giver.
    • Vulnerability of people trying to access the Internet is part of Chat captured during the meeting. See below.
    • Digital vs. non-digital vulnerability discussed.
    • Guidance vs. enablement. Three to five month timeframe discussed...would only allow us to provide guidance. Maybe a whitepaper.
    • We should be thinking about what our deliverable will be. Is a whitepaper a goal?
    • This group started with minor’s identity - lots of buzz in the news. Minors are important, but so are other groups. When we opened the group to vulnerable populations, then the focus expanded. Would like to see minor’s address. Would like to see mapping of IDESG requirements and Minor’s Trust Framework. There are tactical things the group needs to do.
    • Guidance route for the actual vulnerable populations. Divide into a couple of groups. Minors and elderly. Guidance to solution providers – here is guidance for kids, here is guidance for elderly.
    • Minors – kids might be vulnerable. They have a social security number. If their SS is stolen and used to open a credit card - his should signal something to the bank. Good use case.
    • Homeless - most have a SSN. The shelter helps them track it down. They may have accounts opened in their names, but they don’t have the means to check to see if their data is being misused. There is overlap with minors and not knowing what is going on with their data.
    • Meetings going forward. Denise recommended Thursdays at 4pm ET or Fridays at 11 am ET, starting either January 12 or 13. Plan to meet every two weeks for a commitment of two months initially. We will create a Doodle Poll for times.
    • Denise is responsible for making sure an agenda goes out for each meeting.

  • From VPWG Chat: December 14, 2016:
    • tomj@All: the following use case gives some vulnerable people
    • tomj@All:
    • Genevieve@All: Re immigrants: there are significant problems with individuals with status and individuals who lack status.
    • Noreen Whysel@All: My mic doesn't seem to be working. There are groups who have difficulty getting access to online systems because they are homeless, undocumented or because they want to be anonymous, such as battered women, LGBTQ, political dissidents, etc.
    • Genevieve@All: Re minors: at what point should an identity be established? Does there need to be active opt in by the child or will it be coersive, either by parents or external agencies (eg schools)?
    • Noreen Whysel@All: World Pulse provides online access to women in developing countries to report on their communities in a safe environment.
    • Genevieve@All: +1 Noreen's points on groups seeking anonymity for either personal protection or due to legal status
    • Noreen Whysel@All: Many World Pulse correspondents don't want to be traced back to their families or community leaders for political or religious reasons.
    • tomj@All: i have been trying unsuccessfully break in
    • Noreen Whysel@All: Anonymous sources, whistleblowers
    • tomj@All: i think the current list is not helpful for the work of idesg
    • tomj@All: i think the list here is better - mainly, what it the challenge to full access rather than some sort of identity attribute
    • Noreen Whysel@All: @tomj: "current list" meaning from the wiki page you pasted or from this chat?
    • tomj@All: vrom this chat
    • Genevieve@All: I've worked with individuals who've had challenges in identity verification who /wanted/ to have their identity verified. Challenge for a credential with documentary background sufficient to be confident in the credential provider to be certain in identity is tough enough.
    • tomj@All: some in our church have expertise in this area
    • tomj@All: i talked to them on Sunday - so i have access to someone who is directly infolved in creating some sort of identity for the homeless
    • Genevieve@All: Of all these groups, non-refugee immigrants into the US context are the least vulnerable.
    • tomj@All: not true
    • Adam Madlin@You: Linda - can u make sure to capture the chats here? Maybe also reference them on the call. I can't talk now. thx
    • tomj@All: i find that many undocumented aliens are very vulnerable
    • Genevieve@All: Forgot to clarify in-status
    • Genevieve@All: Non-status very different
    • You@Adam Madlin: Yes, I will capture in the minutes. I'll tell Denise now as well...
    • Genevieve@All: Aided in work re a state's DL for non-visa applicants program. Familiar with challenges.
    • tomj@All: the deliverable of this effort should just focus on best practices that are already in use for vulnerable populations
    • tomj@All: to my knowledge this has not been done anywhere
    • Noreen Whysel@All: @tomj and highlight the privacy aspects of the IDEF
    • Noreen Whysel@All: @tomj so that providers and RPs are mindful of those issues.
    • tomj@All: some vulnerable people lose access because they cannot verify some attribute that is required for access to the desired resource
    • tomj@All: for example the minor that was described who had an email account that was lost, together with all history, because the minor indicated that they were under 13
    • Genevieve@All: I've experienced this on multiple occasions.
    • Genevieve@All: (context: trans and multiple national)
    • tomj@All: it is a privacy leak to allow a request to learn if a ssn belongs to a minor
    • Genevieve@All: described system has portability problems
    • Genevieve@All: re homeless and victim shelters - increasingly easy to identify shelters
    • Genevieve@All: prefer 11a
    • tomj@All: some churchs provide addresses for physical mail verification.
    • tomj@All: 1. non-English speakers, 2. illiterate persons, 3. blind persons,4. limited dexterity with keyboard and mouse


  • Adjourn: Meeting was adjourned at 2:00pm EST

  • Summary of Action Items from December 14, 2016 meeting
    • Mary Hodder to contact Pam Dingle about setting up a Wiki account for VPWG.
    • Linda Braun to create a Doodle Poll for meeting times.
    • Denise Tayloe to send out updated attendees list – she is asking people to fill out