February 10, 2017 VPWG Meeting Page: Difference between revisions

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  • Denise Tayloe
  • Jim Kragh
  • Jeff Brennan
  • Catherine Schulten
  • David Temoshok
  • Adam Madlin
  • Christopher Spottiswoode
  • Adam Migus
  • Vijay Kasschau
  • Dave Burhop
  • Abrar Ahmed
  • Linda Braun, Global Inventures

Meeting Notes:

  • Denise Tayloe led the call. Notes taken by Linda Braun
  • Meeting was called to order at 11:03 a.m. EST
  • Meeting notes. No minutes were approved this week.
  • IPR policy reminder:


  • Roll call.


  • Denise Tayloe reviewed the spreadsheet that she and Jim Kragh had previously put together.
  • The following individuals volunteered for the following categories:
    • Low Income Children and Parents (Adam Madlin, Denise Tayloe, Dave Burlop, Jim Kragh)
    • Homeless elderly, uninsured, veterans (Dave Burhop, Jeff Brennan, Jim Kragh)
    • Prisoners before release receive community ID Cards (Adam Migus, Wendy Fairfield, Dave Burlop)
  • Dave Burhop volunteered to help with contacts in each category. An example he has already been working in – homeless – veterans and early release of prisoners. In Virginia, he is working with all these groups to get them credentials to access series they need moving forward – getting a job – obtaining veterans services, etc. He is working with homeless shelters that coordinate with him at the DMV and the Department of Housing in Virginia to be able to use that homeless shelter address along with other vetting documents that they can produce and provide them with an ID card. Look at the possibilities of extending this vetting and providing them with an electronic ID card. Dave is trying to make sure there is enough demand for this, and he said there is interest. He hopes to attract funding from philamproy group to advance what they are already doing. These groups also have online needs. There have been a handful of states that have done some of the programs we have. Dave’s goal is to be able to demonstrate to the other states how we can give them a physical credential. He would like to see more activity in this area, but there are some struggles with e-ID.
  • Catherine Schulten, from a Health care identity perspective, is interested in learning more about what is taking place in Virginia. This might be a good state to do a proof of concept. Catherine will discuss further with Dave Burhop offline.
  • Denise asked about the questions on the spreadsheet and wanted to know if there were other questions we might add. She asked people to add questions if they had any.
  • Linda went to the wiki and showed the Vulnerable Population WG pages that have been created. If anyone wants to access the wiki, please contact Linda. (https://wiki.idesg.org/wiki/index.php?title=Vulnerable_Populations)
  • Denise asked David Temoshok to help the VPWG to map the Minors Trust Framework to the IDEF. David T. will take this to TFTM and add to their work plans.
  • Jeff Brennan asked about the question “Can the ID credential be converted to an authenticated e-ED?” He asked about the case where having a physical ID was not possible, i.e., homeless and elderly.
  • Denise came up with a few additional questions: What are the known documents? Is there a current ID card program? What government organization can issue an ID? How can you construct enough assurance for identity that isn’t traditional (Denise’s example of mortgage business – if applicant didn’t have credit -- same thing for identity). Adam Migus – We should register the security concern here- what’s referred to as Synthetizing IDs.
  • Mary Hodder created an instance of the VPWG spreadsheet on Google docs for us for easier access and editing by the team. Access to the working copy of the spreadsheet is available here. Currently, anyone with the link can edit the spreadsheet.

Vulnerable Populations Communities and Questions about them (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jd7TOdPhXvANS2gbl-7ta1f3GhheGw0pxBlvkRI_nX0/edit?ts=58a61f88#gid=0)

  • Actions from today's meeting
    • Linda Braun to add volunteer’s names to categories in the spreadsheet (Done)
    • Linda Braun to help Catherine Schulten get access to the wiki (In process)
    • David Temoshok to help VPWG map the Minors Trust Framework to IDEF.
    • Jeff Brennan and Jim Kragh to review the list of questions in the spreadsheet and clarify or add new ones for un-credentialed individuals.
    • All – reach out to Denise Tayloe individually to volunteer for categories dtayloe@privo.com
  • Adjourn 12:59 p.m. EST
  • Next meeting: February 24, 2017