February 23, 2016 UXC Meeting Page: Difference between revisions

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  • Mary Hodder
  • Ellen Nadeau
  • Jim Zok
  • David Temoshok
  • Suzanne Lightman
  • Paul Knight
  • Jim Kragh
  • Linda Braun, Global Inventures

Meeting Notes

  • Mary Hodder led the call. Notes taken by Linda Braun
  • Meeting was called to order at 12:03p.m. ET
  • Meeting Notes: Minutes from Feb. 16, 2016, were approved. Motioned to approve by Ellen Nadeau. Seconded by Suzanne Lightman. No objection. Minutes were unanimously approved.
  • IPR policy reminder:


  • Recording policy:


  • Roll call.
  • Quorum was met.


  • Design Pattern Work
    • Mary was tasked with copying over the changes from Ellen’s Word doc to the Trustmark Evolving Pattern wiki page. Then we owe it to a couple of groups to review (Privacy, TFTM and to the Board). Ellen also updated text on the Design Pattern: Common to any Internet Identity Ecosystem as well. The team reviewed the changes she made. She adjusted some definitions under Actors. And Under Error Conditions, she adjusted USABLE-3 and added some of the privacy requirements.
    • Ellen will send her Word document on the common design pattern to Mary and Mary will move into the Trustmark evolving pattern area. By end of week they will send it out to those who they want to review (Privacy, TFTM and to the Board). The Management Council is no more and the governing body is the IDESG board of directors.
    • Common Design Pattern and fit with Requirements/Guidelines: https://wiki.idesg.org/wiki/index.php?title=Design_Pattern%3A_Common_to_any_Internet_Identity_Ecosystem.
    • Trustmark Evolving Pattern: https://wiki.idesg.org/wiki/index.php?title=Trustmark_Evolving_Design_Pattern
  • Standards Update
    • Mary will attend the Standards Committee meeting Thursday, Feb.25, 2016 to review the two standards UXC submitted. They are ISO 9241-210: Ergonomics of human–system interaction — Part 210: Human-centered systems and ISO 98-1: Uncertainty of measurement — Part 1: Introduction to the expression of uncertainty in measurement. Those standards were submitted to SCC as nominated standards and SCC will undertake the evaluation.
  • Health care
    • Jim Kragh – at HIMMS next week and will give UXC an update on trust marks and APIs for Health care with idea of updating the Health care UXC wiki page.
  • Other Work Upcoming
    • Paul Knight informed the team that at the chairs meeting this after they will address how the Functional Model and Glossary will be handled going forward.
    • Self-assessment metrics – on hold right now.
    • SALS review for board
    • Mary indicated that the SALS ATO subcommittee is meeting weekly. They hired a project manager, Carl Maddox, who came in through OASIS. Carl is located on the East Coast. They met yesterday for a couple of hours and will be going through the schedule that Christine Abruzzi developed for this project. A usability person has not yet been brought in to work on this project.
  • Liaisons Reports
    • David T. shared the work that the TFTM has been working on over the last few months. One of the work items on the action plan is cleanup work on the SALS documentation suite. TFTM had a work order with the FMO-5 – external document suite for the SALS program and is the package for application materials. Documents were reviewed by legal counsel and posted to the media wiki. Board and Mary Hodder did a user review and decided more work could be done on the documentation set to make it more user- friendly. FMO has the assignment to review the outwardly facing documents for the SALS Program to make sure it is user-friendly. TFTM has been working recently on the SALS Operations Manual. This was a deliverable for FMO-5 and outlines how we would handle applications as they come in. This is an internal document. David took the team through the table of contents. FMO delivered the draft in January and TFTM has done a review on the document. The information and some of the process flow associated with IDESG internal handling of the SALS program may change based on the subcommittee work that Mary is leading. FMO’s draft of this document is posted on the FMO site.
    • Mary would like UXC to review this document once it becomes close to final.
    • FMO-06 onboarding project for trust frameworks. David took UXC through the work order. Any service provider in the IDESG ecosystem can come into the SALS program and access the SALS information and submit an application to be listed as a service provider.
    • David will come back and give the UXC an update on these two work orders in another month.
  • Liaisons
    • Bev Corwin from the International Coordination Committee will come to the UXC meetings once a month.
  • Action items:
    • Ellen will send her Word document on the common design pattern to Mary and Mary will move into the Trustmark evolving pattern area.
  • Next regular meeting March 1, 2016.


  • Adjourn: Meeting was adjourned at 1:03 p.m. ET