January 13, 2017 VPWG Meeting Page: Difference between revisions

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  • Denise Tayloe
  • Jim Kragh
  • Jeff Brennan
  • David Temoshok
  • Adam Madlin
  • Mary Hodder
  • Roy Asfar
  • Wendy Fairfield
  • Tom Jones
  • Christopher Spottiswoode
  • Noreen Whysel
  • Christine Abruzzi
  • Adam Migus
  • Linda Braun, Global Inventures

Meeting Notes

  • Denise Tayloe led the call. Notes taken by Linda Braun
  • Meeting was called to order at 11:05 a.m. EST
  • Meeting Notes: Jim Kragh motioned to approve the minutes from December 13, 2016. Denise Tayloe seconded. There were no objections. Minutes were unanimously approved.
  • IPR policy reminder:


  • Roll call.

Old Business: Review of outstanding action items (Linda Braun)

    1. VPWG Vice-chair nominations - Adam Madlin motioned to nominate Jim Kragh as the VPWG Vice-chair. Wendy Fairfield seconded the motion. There was no discussion. The motion passed unanimously.
    2. Wiki account set up: This work is in process (Mary Hodder and Pam Dingle)
    3. Linda Braun to complete Doodle Poll for meetings (completed)
    4. VPWG Roster spreadsheet - in process (Linda Braun)

New Business: (Denise Tayloe)

  • Jim Kragh discussed the case study one-pager that was sent out with the minutes from the first meeting; focus on homeless. Use Case Population Recommended: The Homeless that include the following sub-groups:
    • Children and families
    • Special needs children - autism, blind and deaf
    • Seniors
    • Veterans
    • Inmates (soon to be released)
    • Unemployed
  • Denise recommended that the group pick the top two or three sub-groups under homeless and identify people to work on these sub-groups and come back to the team and discuss the sub-groups and identity cards.
    • Homeless is the top level group. She wants to make sure that children and families are covered.
    • Virginia has an effort in this area. Not sure if the numbers are there in this population; but these people need some type of credential. They are giving physical cards to people who are homeless. There is no national campaign. Are there cell phones available to people in shelters and libraries. Yes, they are using the Internet in his category. 6,280 people in this category in Virginia. We want to get involved in an effort we are connected to (Virginia - Dave Burhop) and turn into a Best Practices Guide and promote solution to others. They are offering identity cards with backing from the DMW.
    • What is the definition of homeless? We could develop a definition e.g. homework for children living in shelters. Housing advocates might be interested in the IDESG work.
    • NIST offers local best practices via their NCCOE In National Science Center in Cyberspace. We could borrow their ideas and get involved in the Virginia effort and learn from it. This is a prototype way of dealing with these types of situations.
    • Leveraging faith based organizations - they do deal with a range of people in this area, including documented and undocumented.
    • Inmate program to reduce recidivism are already identified from a bio-metrics perspective/DNA. Working with them would be a good area. Family members could also be at risk. Wendy Fairfield is working in a mobile identity segment for a government group and GSA.
    • Those people who had an identity card coming out of prison were able to find jobs, gain education and have a health record. How do these populations get some privacy and control?
  • The sub-groups identified under homeless/overlap VPs (children & family, seniors, veterans, unemployed, inmates):
    1. The groups that serve them (e.g. social works, Salvation Army, K-12 schools)
    2. Attributes and characteristics of the individual
    3. Touch points - where they access the system (senior tech issues/frustration and afraid)
    4. The offline or related identity cards, bio metrics, associations that are held offline. Potential authoritative and non-authoritative ID that can be leveraged.
  • Others
    • People who don't have driver's licenses (non-drivers)
    • How to get kids into school without an ID. Health records implications.
  • Denise asked for volunteers for the sub-groups. Mary Hodder suggested that we could set up these four groups and have people populate on the Wiki.

Actions from today's meeting

  • Action: Denise/Jim Kragh - Develop template for Wiki for the sub-groups
  • Action: Mary Hodder is making the Wiki page for the VPWG; most people have access to the Wiki now. We can write back to Pam Dingle to have her add others. Let's make sure we get the people on today's call access to the Wiki.
  • Action: Post the four sub-groups in the Wiki via individual pages/template.

11. Adjourn 12:53 p.m. EST

  • Next meeting is scheduled for January 27, 2017.