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July 24, 2015 UXC meeting notes - approved 8/25/2105


  • Jim Zok
  • Mary Hodder
  • Ellen Nadeau
  • Suzanne Lightman
  • Ann Racuya-Robbins
  • Noreen Whysel
  • Linda Braun, Global Inventures

Meeting Notes

  • Mary Hodder led the call. Notes taken by Linda Braun

Agenda Review – as distributed by Mary in advance of the call.

  • Motion to approve the agenda accepted.
  • Roll call; Quorum determination. Quorum was met.
  • IPR policy reminder - https://www.idecosystem.org/system/files/filedepot/103/IDESG%20IPR%20Policy.pdf
  • Minutes approved. The following notes from prior meetings were approved. All minutes will eventually be moved over to the Idecosystem Wiki.
    • June 2, 2015
    • June 9, 2015
    • June 23, 2015
    • June 30, 2015
  • Ann asked about a prior action item for Jim to send the listserv a copy of Andrea Servida's presentation. Mary resent to everyone.


  • Supplemental Guidance discussion:
    • https://www.idecosystem.org/wiki/User_Experience_Guidelines_Metrics
    • Requirements are here: https://www.idecosystem.org/wiki/UX_Usability_Requirements_and_Guidelines_Working_Document.
    • The team started to work on HL Requirement #4. Guidance: To mitigate the risk of errors, systems should provide users with a confirmation option, and option to cancel, skip or decline, before they commit to a pathway action (“skip or decline” was added to the sentence).
    • The identity of the entity and entity system with whom the user is clearly interacting should be clearly visible and understandable to end-users* at all times. This includes third parties and changes between entities and end-users* during sessions. (Check definition of third parties and research systems that display entities on a page or system for next week).
    • If it is feasible for the business objectives of the system, the user should be presented with clear options for changing the status of their identity. Changed to: Systems should allow the end-users choice and clear options for changing the status of their identity. For example: Switching to anonymous browsing, or the option to save and come back later.
    • New wording: Systems should allow end-users the choice to proceed anonymously*, pseudonymously, or with a verified identity.
    • Resume review next week.

Wrap up and actions for next week

  • UXC to continue their work on supplemental guidance. August 7 guidelines are due.

Action Items

  • Ann and Mary to research (Check definition of third parties and research systems that display entities on a page or system for next week)


  • Meeting was adjourned at 1:08 p.m. EDT