UXC Meeting Agenda

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Revision as of 16:06, 26 May 2015 by Mary Hodder (talk | contribs) (added new note taker)
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AGENDA for UXC, 9am PT, 12 noon ET, May 2, 2015:
1. Call to order (1-6: 3 minutes)
2. Recording question: Yes; Recording policy: https://www.idecosystem.org/page/recording-policy-conduct-meetings
3. Note taking: Ann
a. Attendance
4. Review and approval of agenda
5. IPR Rules: https://www.idecosystem.org/iprpolicy
6. Review and approval of minutes from prior meetings

7. Current Work and Activities Discussion: (50 minutes)

A. UXC Guidelines and Metrics: https://www.idecosystem.org/wiki/User_Experience_Guidelines_Metrics
B. UXC other docs - held to future weeks:
D. Information Ethics Discussion: anything else?

8. Chairs Report
9. Other business?
10. Ongoing Action Items (3 minutes)

  1. ARR: recommended UXC have someone knowledgeable from a design and development perspective give us background and how we might integrate into the requirements. Will find.
  2. Mary to write up proposal for review of terms
  3. Ellen suggests possible standard for SCC: http://www.iso.org/iso/iso_catalogue/catalogue_tc/catalogue_detail.htm?csnumber=58625

12. Adjourn