UXC Meeting Agenda
AGENDA for UXC, 9am PT, 12 noon ET, October 13, 2015:
1. Call to order (1-6: 3 minutes)
2. Recording question: Yes; Recording policy: https://www.idecosystem.org/page/recording-policy-conduct-meetings
3. Note taking: Linda
a. Attendance
4. Review and approval of agenda
5. IPR Rules: https://www.idecosystem.org/iprpolicy
6. Review and approval of minutes from prior meetings
7. Current Work and Activities Discussion: (50 minutes)
- A. Review TO DO list of UXC Requirements, and Supplemental information, Guidelines and Metrics and Dictionary and continued work:
- SALS development with David Temoshok
See also the attached word doc sent via the UXC email list with FMO feedback in tracked changes.
- Dictionary: https://www.idecosystem.org/wiki/UXC_Dictionary
- Self-assessment metrics: https://www.idecosystem.org/wiki/User_Experience_Guidelines_Metrics
- Metrics document for UX Benchmarks: http://www.measuringusability.com/blog/ux-benchmarks.php
- Discussion for Privacy review of language in a couple of our requirements. Copied from UX Meeting Minutes for April 7, 2015. Request is located here: https://www.idecosystem.org/wiki/Talk:UX_Usability_Requirements_and_Guidelines_Working_Document
UPCOMING post Reqs
- C. Review of other committee's work product
- Review other Committee’s requirements for UX guidance.
- D. UXC other docs:
- Design Pattern Work located here:
- Common Design Pattern and fit with Reqs / Guidelines: https://www.idecosystem.org/wiki/Common_to_any_Internet_Identity_Ecosystem
- Trustmark Evolving Pattern: https://www.idecosystem.org/wiki/Trustmark_Evolving_Pattern
- Common Design Pattern and fit with Reqs / Guidelines: https://www.idecosystem.org/wiki/Common_to_any_Internet_Identity_Ecosystem
- Design Pattern Work located here:
- E. Information / Bio Ethics Discussion: future discussion and presentation by ARR
8. Chairs Report
9. Liaisons report
10. Other business?
11. Ongoing Action Items (3 minutes)
- ARR and Mary to discuss Human Centered Possibility (HCP) driven options in general and a focused response to "How are UX Metrics obtained."
- ARR mentioned that UX to consider insertions of the word "transparency" in supplemental guidance.
- Discussion about reference materials and what to include in our page on References, including disclosure, for example: Metrics document for UX Benchmarks: http://www.measuringusability.com/blog/ux-‐ benchmarks.php
- Ellen suggests possible standard for SCC: http://www.iso.org/iso/iso_catalogue/catalogue_tc/catalogue_detail.htm?csnumber=58625
- Mary to ask for MA for ISO Standard Review copy
- Create another page(s) for UX review of other committees’ requirements, ARR will be happy to help create these.
- A brief paragraph about how to approach the UX wiki may be helpful for new participants…”start with the Agenda…”
- UX has an opportunity to weigh in on “Anonymous” term in healthcare.
- Mary to write up proposal for review of terms
12. Adjourn