April 12, 2016 UXC Meeting Page

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  • Mary Hodder
  • Ellen Nadeau
  • Jim Zok
  • Bev Corwin
  • Tom Jones
  • Noreen Whysel
  • Paul Knight
  • Jim Kragh
  • Linda Braun, Global Inventures

Meeting Notes

  • Mary Hodder led the call. Notes taken by Linda Braun
  • Meeting was called to order at 12:06p.m. ET
  • Meeting Notes: Minutes for March 29 and April 5, 2016 were unanimously approved.
  • IPR policy reminder:


  • Recording policy:


  • Roll call.
  • Quorum was met.


    • Current Work and Activities Discussion: (50 minutes)
  • Common Design Pattern
    • Two design patterns have been updated with minor editing tweaks: Trustmark evolving and Common.
    • Tom agreed to take a last edit pass of both design patterns and then then will be send out for informal review.
  • SALS ATO Development Team
    • The product team is fully engaged. Noreen is doing usability for the project. Margo Dunn from ConnollyWorks is working on the wireframes. We will be reviewing the wireframes with TFTM this coming Wednesday to get their feedback. The web development company has been chosen and contract is being finalized. Christine Abruzzi is using MS Project for the overall schedule of the project. The project using Google docs for all forms being generated and if anyone wants access to those docs, please let Mary know.
    • Noreen completed two needs assessment interviews. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1T1ff3eTqxXZDPS0vvyLGD9b6lCdkXY2oRUzndrNfLq8 Still waiting to hear from the other six potential alpha testers. Results were very different due to very different users, a university and a leading commercial identity services provider. Both would expect considerable offline documentation gathering and internal meetings to complete the process.
  • UXC Usability Work
    • UX Guidelines Metrics review: Noreen completed an expert review of the document.

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BSDV_Px4MTEKTH22qPKGRUhVKc5tBDA32diz0ZwRynA The document does not appear to be ready to test with potential users. Is not clear it is meant for participants outside IDESG content providers. Many references to IDESG use and vague/unfinished/suggested content. Sections could be reorganized and introduction could be more detailed. Needs a "Who is this Document For?" section. Noreen and Mary to meet to discuss format and content. Noreen to find additional resources for comparable ecosystem UX guidelines.

  • Dictionary/Glossary
    • On the terminology Tom stated that the scope of the terms "transaction" and "interaction" needs to be clarified for the SALS
    • Paul Knight added some details to Mary's description of the Glossary work being done by the Glossary ad hoc group.
    • Mary asked Paul Knight to help ensure that the definition for "transaction" should be clear enough that it can be used in a requirement to (for instance) delete cookies after a transaction is completed.
  • Liaison Reports
    • International Coordination Committee – Bev Corwin. The International Coordination Committee currently has a low attendance, and Colin recently resigned as Co-Chair which leaves Bev, previously a Co-Chair with Colin, as the sole Chair of the i-committee. Since the UX meeting have learned that Colin will attend meeting this week, not sure about his participation in the future. Our next meeting info follows and all UX Committee members are welcome to attend: Next meeting:Thursday, April 14, 4 pm ET ( USA NY) International Coordination Committee Meeting Agenda:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-cF84TYfjAFY-cYk9-BeV6X6SJbXKNbf4zSCpzCTUZk/edit
  • Ongoing Action Items
    • Update Reqs and SG for July 15, 2016
    • Create another page(s) for UX review of other committees’ requirements – no update.
    • Waiting on Jamie’s write up on SME request – Mary to send to the team.

‘’’New Actions’’’

  • Mary will send a formal email request to UXC on the election.
  • Mary to send the SME draft
  • Mary to put together a draft on UXC’s accomplishment as part of work seeing participants.
  • Next regular meeting April 19, 2016.


  • Adjourn: Meeting was adjourned at 1:00 p.m. ET

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