Mobile Driver's License Criteria

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Full Title or Meme

The Mobile Driver's License Criteria for a high level of Identity and Authentication Assurance.



  1. Holder - the subject of the Mobile Driver's License
  2. Reader - a device that can read and verify the mDL, which is presumably hosted in a native smart phone app
  3. Issuing Authority - typically a state motor vehicle agency.
  4. Trust Authority - some sort of wide ranging list of valid participators - not well defined at this point.
  • Caution on terms. mDL and mDL app get conflated in the specs. The full mDL is seldom/never released by the app to the reader/verifier.
  • Compare there terms Verifiable Credential and Presentation Exchange from the DIF folk. The VC (like the mDL or mdoc) may be in the smartphone, but only a part is "presented" to the reader.

Use Cases


