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All choices, pathways, interfaces, and offerings provided to USERS in digital identity management functions MUST be clearly identifiable by the USER.


Systems should provide clear and easy to use pathways to help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from user-made errors.

The information needed by the user to understand any choice should be clearly visible in a single, visible window. Dialogues should not contain information that is irrelevant or rarely needed.

To mitigate the risk of errors, systems should allow the user the option to cancel, skip or decline, before they commit to a pathway action as well as provide a confirmation notice after they commit.

If an entity decides an action is required, and a user chooses to skip or decline this action, the entity's system should state clearly to the user if the transaction will not be completed and present a pathway for redress.

If a user accepts, skips or declines an option, the entity's system should state clearly to the user the transaction was or was not completed.

An entity's systems should allow users the choice to proceed anonymously, pseudonymously or with any chosen / assigned identity where appropriate.

An entity's systems should allow the user choice and clear options for changing the status of their identity. For example: switching to anonymous browsing.

Information users need to make decisions should be readily available and transparent to the user.

The identity of the entity and entity's systems with which the user is interacting should be clearly visible and understandable to users at all times. This includes third parties and changes between entities and users during sessions.

When a new user chooses an identity provider, the available options should be clearly presented so that a user can make an informed decision. When a new user visits a relying party site, the user should be presented with information about the request for identity proofing, verification or attributes and the types of identity providers or frameworks that are acceptable.

Clear pathways should exist for users to procure desired services.

The user should be presented with pathways to the identity services they desire, such as: privacy options, identity caching, etc.

Organizations should operate in a manner that allows individuals to easily switch service providers if the organization fails to meet user expectations, becomes insolvent, is incapable of adhering to policies, or revises their terms of service. See also INTEROP-BP-A (RECOMMENDED PORTABILITY).







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