April 5, 2016 UXC Meeting Page

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  • Mary Hodder
  • Ellen Nadeau
  • Suzanne Lightman
  • Jim Zok
  • Paul Knight
  • Jim Kragh
  • Linda Braun, Global Inventures

Meeting Notes

  • Mary Hodder led the call. Notes taken by Linda Braun
  • Meeting was called to order at 12:07p.m. ET
  • Meeting Notes: Minutes for March 15 and March 22, 2016 were unanimously approved.
  • IPR policy reminder:


  • Recording policy:


  • Roll call.
  • Quorum was met.


  • Current Work and Activities
  • Common Design Pattern work completed
  • Trustmark Evolving Patters – still being worked
  • Standards – forms not filled out this week for the two remaining standards.
  • Upcoming work
    • Framework/glossary/dictionary group - Paul Knight is aggregating the list of terms and he has added some of the UX terms as well and will forward to UXC. The glossary work is happening at this link: https://wiki.idesg.org/wiki/index.php/glossary.
    • Self-assessment metrics (User Experience Guidelines Metrics). UXC would like Noreen to do this work, she has agreed, and the contract is still in the works according to the FMO. The work needs to be completed by May, giving Noreen about a month. The page is a little academic right now the idea is that we would to transform the page to be more prescriptive and include the steps that our technology is usable. IDESG thinks this page could be pointed to by other organizations and how to create usability in their projects. There is an element of writing and vision that needs to be added to the page for the usability person. There is budget for up to 20 hours to update the page. It was suggested that a mini test of the page be done to give Noreen feedback as she starts the work.
    • Mary reviewed the Alpha Testers SALS ATO Pipeline spreadsheet with the group – these are prospective participants in the alpha testing program. Noreen will contact them to ask if they would be willing to also provide feedback to the User Experience Guidelines Metrics page.
  • SALS ATO update – close to picking the web company who will do the work. Noreen is doing the need assessment. Margo Dunn is doing design work on paper for wire framing. Once Noreen provides a draft, she will test with a few of the testers.
  • Election. Board and leadership elections completed, however, there were issues with a few roles that had opposing candidates and will have to be redone.
  • UXC needs to do an election in April as well. No volunteers offered as of yet. Mary will send a formal email request to UXC on the election.
  • Liaison Reports

Standards Committee completed the SAPv2 and will be out for review to the board before the plenary ballot.

  • Ongoing Action Items
    • Update Reqs and SG for July 15, 2016
    • Create another page(s) for UX review of other committees’ requirements – no update.
    • Waiting on Jamie’s write up on SME request – Mary to send to the team.

‘’’New Actions’’’

  • Mary will send a formal email request to UXC on the election.
  • Mary to send the SME draft
  • Mary to put together a draft on UXC’s accomplishment as part of work seeing participants.
  • Next regular meeting April 12, 2016.


  • Adjourn: Meeting was adjourned at 1:00 p.m. ET