December 6, 2016 UXC Meeting Page

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  • Mary Hodder
  • Bev Corwin
  • Sal D'Agostino
  • Tom Jones
  • Linda Braun, Global Inventures

  • Meeting Minutes
    • No minutes were approved

Meeting Notes

  • Notes captured by Mary Hodder.
  • Today in UXC's meeting we brainstormed a new project: Please take a look at the initial ideas, and feel free to add to what Tom, Bev and Mary posted.

  • Basically the project would involve:

Scoping and defining how IDESG might replace our RP system on, and our Wiki for a version that "does it right".

  • What guidelines we could offer other orgs, big and small, about how they might also do an identity system that acts as a relying party, includes attributes important to their org, and is in sync with the IDEF Requirements, as well as give them a sample system in github.
  • UXC can support this effort by helping to spec out the product requirements from a UX perspective with the notion that privacy and security groups will want to weigh in.
  • This could be run overall as a project through the IDEF Registry group coordinating with UXC, Privacy and Security for requirements and the Guidelines docs and overseeing the building of a system later because the IDEF Registry group has been doing our "product work" so far.

  • Actions:
  1. Consider insertions of the word "transparency" in supplemental guidance.
  2. Create another page(s) for UX review of other committees’ requirements

11. Adjourn 1:00p.m. EDT

  • Next meeting is scheduled for December 13, 2016.