FMWG Work Plan Assumptions

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A Word About Words in this section

A Work Stream is a collection of related activities and deliverables. Work Streams are planning tools that provide work product context and cohesive touch points for the teams.

Each Work Stream is intended to result in one or more Milestone. A Milestone occurs when planned activities or deliverables conclude, accompanied by a valuable, functioning result that can be communicated externally to IDESG. Milestones are significant achievements towards realizing the Vision, and are likely to coincide with Plenary meetings to simplify communications.

A Deliverable is a well-scoped, specific document or other output that is created by a working team led by an accountable individual. Workgroup members create Deliverable Definitions using a simple lightweight template, to allow for coordination and tracking of work effort. At this time, the Workgroup does not intend to establish a formal approval process for Deliverable Definitions. The intent is to encourage members to self-select work that fits the Workgroup goals, self-define the work and get working on the deliverable.

The Work Product Scheduling activity will determine how much, if any, overlap occurs between Work Streams.

Design Assumptions are used to maintain consistency in the design and elaboration of Work Streams, Milestones and Deliverable Definitions.

NOTE: The Work Plan and related schedules, plans, outlines and documents are DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION
until ratified by the Functional Model Ad-hoc Workgroup and the Security Committee and, in some cases, the Plenary.

Work Plan Design Assumptions

In order to structure the work plan, several assumptions and work plan design choices are made:

  • Requirements should drive design
  • The NSTIC Four Principles will be fully represented in and integrated with the Requirements
  • Design factors include: design for early bootstrapping and incremental maturation and development, environmental change is inevitable so plan for change, design for evolution, embed agility in all work planning, design for growth, design for many contributors working towards common goals.
  • Work will be deliverable-based
  • Work will be organized into Work Streams to enable parallel work effort and distribution
  • Work will be scheduled enable realistic time sequencing and coordination
  • The Work Plan will be arranged to achieve quick onboarding of a small number of Trust Frameworks, Federations or ID Solutions. This approach is to quickly establish enough policy, requirements and processes to bootstrap a more robust and complete ecosystem.
  • Each Work Stream should use a similar approach: Gather Requirements; Consider Use cases; Determine Solution Options; Design Solution; Design processes; Implement
  • A lightweight project management process should be used for Work Streams: initiation, planning, execution, monitoring, closing

Work Plan Management

The Work Plan Management activities are concerned with planning the work of the committee itself, and include:

  • Lightweight Project Management Office functions, for example:
    • Coordination of Deliverable Definitions (including work effort estimates, publication, scope)
    • Schedule tracking
    • Publication of Deliverable drafts
  • Reporting outward/upward as required
  • Communication and coordination of Work Plan schedule with other Committees

FMWG Work Plan


Functional Model

Quick Links: Security Committee | Functional Model | Security Committee Meeting Notes | Security Committee Content