IDESG Code of Conduct

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IDESG Code of Conduct
This Code of Conduct is approved by the Board of Directors of IDESG, Inc. at its meeting held on Tuesday, 11 November 2014. Following the requisite period of notice for any change to the Membership Agreement, the Code shall come into effect on 15 December 2014.

Why a Code of Conduct?
IDESG embraces a very wide variety of stakeholder types and organization culture. This enriches the organization but also means that no assumption can be made that there is a commonly shared set of values, which are nonetheless needed if the organization is to develop and mature.

What is it for?
A Code of Conduct is intended to protect first and foremost the organization itself and secondarily the members and officers in their work for the organization. It is designed to create and maintain a “safe place” in which to advance the work of the organization.

Who is concerned by this Code?
All members, observers, officers, staff, contractors, and guests, participating in any activity of the IDESG (referred to here as “persons”).

General Provisions
Participation in IDESG activities (in virtual or face-to-face meetings, mailings lists, online fora, etc.) does not always require membership of IDESG but is always subject to adherence to this Code of Conduct. IDESG may revoke the privilege of participation to any person who chooses not to abide by this code. This Code supplements but does not replace other rules, guidelines, or other provisions agreed by IDESG and its competent authorities. In particular, all persons are bound by the “Terms of Use” published on the IDESG website and all members are bound by the Membership Agreement they signed. Participants in IDESG activities are expected to focus on issues, including the nature or consequences of a matter being discussed. All persons are expected to take full responsibility for their contributions and behavior and show each other patience, courtesy, respect, and dignity. Comments regarding personalities and/or motives of other participants, or that bring the organization itself into disrepute are not permitted. Participants recognize that officer holders (such as chairs of meetings) have a responsibility to the organization to ensure the proper conduct of its business. Members intervene in meetings and discussions based on their primary role or affiliation in IDESG: on behalf of an organizational member; as an office-holder; or as an individual member. All persons should recognize and respect that others may be expressing the views of their organization or of the office they hold, rather than a personal view.

Conduct of and in meetings
The chair of any meeting (elected as Chair of a particular body or acting pro tem) is responsible for the conduct of that meeting and all participants should assist the chair in fulfilling that task. All meetings should be conducted according to any specific rules agreed for that body; general rules and recommendations for all bodies (including the Bylaws, rules of association or other operational rules or guidelines, and recommendations of the Ombudsman); and if ambiguity remains, according to Roberts’ Rules of Order. Meetings are time bound and conducted according to agreed agenda. Business is conducted and concluded among those present (in person or virtually) during the meeting, notwithstanding provisions for the conduct of ballots. The chair of any meeting should encourage and actively seek broad participation. Contributions become the property of the meeting, to use or dispose of as the meeting sees fit, and with the objective of moving business forward. Order and Decorum The chair is responsible for ensuring the observance of order and decorum at a meeting and may ask any person to withdraw any inappropriate comment or contribution or to desist from disruptive or abusive behavior. The chair is empowered to exclude a person from the remainder of the discussion of a particular item, from the remainder of the session or of the meeting as the chair alone deems appropriate; alternatively the chair may submit the question for the decision of the assembly. Failure of a member to act according to the directions of a chair in such circumstances will be considered as a breach of the Membership Agreement.

Any two members of an assembly may appeal the chair’s decision by motion prior to moving to the next item of business and in accordance with the provisions of Roberts’ Rules of Order. An appeal to the Chair of Plenary (with regard to a decision of a committee chair) or to the Chair of the Board of Directors (with regard to a decision of the Chair of Plenary or of Management Council) will only be considered if it indicates how the original decision was not taken in accordance with the rules or the provisions of this Code. The Board of Directors is the final instance of any appeal and it shall solely determine whether external legal counsel or the services of the Ombudsman are required to resolve any issue brought before it.

Conduct in IDESG online discussion forums and lists
The provisions of the previous sections, regarding the conduct of and in meetings, apply to online discussions about and between meetings. Members should exercise discretion and personal responsibility in their online communications. In particular, members should bear in mind that when they post messages online, big or small, they may be read or interpreted as reflecting the views or principles of IDESG. Comments relating to personalities and motives, slurs, personal insults, a n d obscenity, or any conduct that is unacceptable under IDESG’s Code of ethics or NSTIC guiding principles is prohibited. Members should also show proper consideration for the privacy of others and for topics that may be considered inflammatory.