ISO-IEC Directives Part 2
Title: ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2: Rules for the structure and drafting of International Standards
Category: Document Development Standard
Date: April 2011
Creator: ISO/IEC
Description: Rules for ISO/IEC on how to structure and develop international standards documents, including
International Standards, Technical Specification, Publicly Available Specifications, Technical Reports or
Guides. A common lexicon of terms is provided in section 3 and later sections address general principles,
structure and subdivisions. The section on drafting addresses normative elements such as title page,
introduction, scope, references, terms and definitions, and (optionally) requirements. Attention is paid to
proper drafting of requirements, if included. A clear distinction shall be made between requirements,
statements and recommendations. Definitions of requirements should also include (by definition or
reference) test methods for checking conformity to the requirements. The document also addresses proper
use of tables figures and mathematical formulae. Further sections address conformity assessment, quality
management and presentation. Annex D defines drafting and presentation of terms and definitions.
Terms: Standard, International Standard, International Standard, Technical Specification, Technical Report, Guide, Publicly Available Specification, Normative Element, Preliminary Informative Element, Supplementary Informative Element, Mandatory Element, Conditional Element, Requirement, Recommendation, Statement