Kantara IAF 1000

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Title: Identity Assurance Framework: Overview

Category: Trust Framework Provider Specification

Date: 12/31/2009

Creator: Kantara Initiative

URL: http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/download/attachments/45057040/Kantara+IAF-1000-Overview.pdf

Description: The IAF comprises a set of documents including an Overview publication, the IAF Glossary, a summary Assurance Levels document, and an Assurance Assessment Scheme (AAS), which encompasses the associated assessment and certification program, as well as several subordinate documents, among them the Service Assessment Criteria (SAC), which establishes baseline criteria for general organizational conformity, identity proofing services, credential strength, and credential management services against which all CSPs will be evaluated. The present document provides an overview of the IAF documents and program.



