Kantara IAF 1300

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Title: Identity Assurance Framework: Assurance Assessment Scheme

Category: Trust Framework Provider Specification

Date: 10/12/2009

Creator: Kantara Initiative

URL: http://kantarainitiative.org/confluence/download/attachments/45057040/Kantara+IAF-1300-Assurance+Assessment+Scheme.pdf

Description: Consists of a set of requirements which assessors must fulfill in order to become 'Kantara-Accredited', a statement of applicable 'credit' granted to assessor applicants with certain prior -qualifications, a description of the application processes from both the Kantara perspective and the applicant's, and guidance on undertaking assessments which will benefit both Kantara- accredited Assessors and Credential Service Providers having their services assessed against the IAF Service Assessment Criteria (SAC)



