March 26, 2015 Meeting Page

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Meeting Date: March 26, 2015


  • Adam Madlin
  • Adam Migus
  • Andrew Hughes
  • Bob Pinheiro
  • Christine Abruzzi
  • Jerry Kickenson
  • Lee Aber
  • Linda Braun, Global Inventures
  • Martin Smith
  • Mike Garcia
  • Paul Knight
  • Sal D’Agostino
  • Seetharama Durbha

Meeting Notes

  • Adam led the call.
  • Notes taken by Linda Braun.
  • General Updates
    • IDESG leadership and chairs retreat will be May 19-20 in Washington, DC. M.A. Signorino will host.
    • Election results from Ballot 1 & 2 are on as well as the 2015 election schedule and a FAQ document. Upcoming: Information Technology Infrastructure representative will open at 8am EDT on March 30, 2015.
    • The 13th IDESG Virtual Plenary will take place Thursday, April 16, 2015 from 1-5pm, EDT. Andrew Hughes, the Plenary Vice-Chair, will share more information about the agenda soon.
    • Peter Brown leaving as IDESG president and he will share at plenary.
    • The deliverable tracking dashboard is available here for information and tracking of the major activities occurring within IDESG. The dashboard can also be accessed directly from the dashboard tab on
  • Attribute Committee status
    • A proposal was recently made for a new committee to focus on attributes for IDESG. Jerry Kickenson has a working version of the proposal; one more update in the works. The Management Council recently discussed the process on how to create a new committee. Management Council confirmed that anyone can propose a new committee. Once the proposal is in place, Adam indicated they will present it at the upcoming Management Council meeting (March 31). The committee will not focus on the creation of new content or deliverables relating to attributes, instead, it will be a coordination committee that identifies attributes gaps in IDESG. The committee could grow in focus, but at this point, it is a coordination committee. Attributes will be a big component of IDESG going forward.
    • 2014 version is the only version of the proposal on the wiki. Adam will post updated version and will also send a copy to the Security Committee. The proposal is currently listed as a Security Committee initiative, but that will change. The comment was made that the new council will be seated on April 15. The question was asked if the new council will review for appropriateness. The proposal will be discussed at the upcoming plenary to get broader feedback.
  • FMO harmonization process
    • Feedback from FMO will come slower than what Adam originally indicated. At the high level, the FMO has identified the full scope of work they are going to complete. The plan is to have their first round of full feedback to TFTM by the end of April. The FMO will have something to discuss at the virtual plenary, with finalized feedback ready for review by early to mid-June. If they are on track, the FMO will present final presentation at the June Plenary. End of April – mid-June the committees will be available to work with the FMO to answer questions, address gaps, and to make sure the work is completed by mid-June. The Security Committee’s priority in May and the first half of June are to support whatever is needed by FMO to finalize. FMO said there are things the Security Committee could be doing related to overall requirements. For example, the Privacy Committee independently did a review of security and interoperability requirements themselves and gave feedback to the FMO.
  • Interaction Model working group status
    • Seetharama said he will not be able to lead the group going forward. We need a volunteer for the group. Seetharama will put together overview of work done and what the group is all about and package it up to pass along.
  • Security Committee election schedule:
    • Adam will be stepping down as the Security Committee Chair. He indicated that the Security Committee is free to run elections and he will initiate a call for nominations for all leadership positions (committee chair, vice-chair and secretary) with elections taking place in early May. The nomination period will remain open until Thursday, April 30. Please send nominations directly to Adam.
  • Dashboard
    • The last time the dashboard was updated was March 8. Paul Knight will update and is available on the wiki here:
    • Adam indicated there are two high level tasks for the Security Committee to work on. A comment was made that “we are saying we are done, before we are done.” Clarification was that there will be edits through next month.
    • Functional Model Maintenance – there will be updates and general topical areas have been identified. The Security Committee owns the functional model and will update under the new committee leadership.
    • Security Evaluation Methodology as part of the Dashboard – need to determine if it stays on the dashboard and how it fits into the Security Committee work. Adam said we should probably put a proposal together for the new leadership of the Security Committee.
  • Security Committee submission of standard
    • Looks like the Security Committee proposal to the Standards Committee was accepted as drafted by Sal. Adam will get update on status.
  • Next meeting is scheduled for April 2, 2015.

Action Items

  • Seetharama to put together overview of work done by the Interaction Model Working Group
  • Adam to send out call for nominations
  • Adam to send out proposal for the creation of the Attribute Committee

Quick Links: Security Committee | Functional Model | Security Committee Meeting Notes | Security Committee Content