September 6, 2016 UXC Meeting Page

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  • Mary Hodder
  • Ellen Nadeau
  • Noreen Whysel
  • Suzanne Lightman
  • Jim Zok
  • Jim Kragh
  • Paul Knight
  • Tom Jones
  • Linda Braun, Global Inventures

  • Meeting Minutes
    • The following meeting minutes were unanimously approved: August 30, 2016.

Meeting Notes

  • Current Work and Activities Discussion:
  • Linda reported that the User Experience and all other committees will be moving away from WebEx to and she is in the process of securing an account and will let everyone know when the transition is taking place. Mary asked to make sure that the invitation is in the Outlook calendar.
  • At today’s meeting Noreen Whysel continued the review of the Self-assessment metrics document. * or *here:*Saw/edit?usp=sharing
  • Noreen started with Heuristics 3: User Control and freedom.
  • Chat:from tomj to Everyone:
    • instead of "can i remove my account"
  • from tomj to Everyone:
    • i would say "Can the user easier discover how to remove the account?
  • Heuristics 9: Help users recognize, diagnose and recover from errors.
    • Questions expert can ask:
    • Documentation and notification exists telling me what I can do if a change in the relationship with an
    • IdP occurs (e.g., delete account, remove IdP, edit settings, etc.)
    • I have a way to request help or recourse to correct any erros (e.g. if I am unable to authenticate or if
    • I have changed my password or other credentials at a linked IdP.
    • If authentication fails, it is clear to the user which party was responsible for the failure.
    • If an error originates from the IdP, the RP provides actionalable information to allow the user to correct the failure (e.g. explain single versus 2 facor authentication, link to IdP account management, etc.)
  • Heuristics 10:
    • Questions expert can ask:
    • I understand the instructions and documentation
    • I can search for information about a topic or action I don’t understand
    • Information or help is available for the action I am working on
    • I can find step by step instructions for what I need to do to complete a task.
    • The instructions and help documentation is not too long or overwhelming to reach
    • Documentation fully explains all third parties that process a user’s personal information and their relationship with the RP
    • I am able to locate documentation regarding privacy, redress of any failure, unauthorized data storage, or disclosure of change in a relationship with any third party that may provide or receive personal information.
  • At next week’s meeting, the team will resume reviewing Noreen’s document at Observation Method.
  • Other business?
  • Ongoing / Future Action Items (3 minutes)
  1. Consider insertions of the word "transparency" in supplemental guidance.
  2. Create another page(s) for UX review of other committees’ requirements


  • Adjourn: Meeting was adjourned at 1:00p.m. ET
  • Next meeting is scheduled for September 13, 2016.