TFTM Collaboration

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TFTM Collaboration Draft

Draft text regarding TFTM collaboration with other Committees (tcj) what is TFTM???????????

23 July 2013 - TFTM committee has reviewed; Draft is prior to discussion with other committees.

TFTM and Committee Collaboration:

As defined in the TFTM’s charter, the committee’s objectives are to: (a) provide a forum for trust framework representatives and other interested parties to address the goal described by NSTIC and the IDESG to establish the Identity Ecosystem Framework, and: (b) develop and manage a trustmark (TM) program that recognizes entities that comprise Identity Ecosystems that adopt the NSTIC guiding principles into their policies and practices. The broad reaching impact of these objectives and their overall importance to the IDESG is further emphasized by the recently released Management Council 2013 Strategic Objectives which included, “Establish and Implement an IDESG Accreditation and Trustmark Program” and, “Establish and Implement the Identity Ecosystem Framework Development and Adoption Process” as key to achieving successful implementation and adoption of the Identity Ecosystem. While the TFTM has taken on the mission of coordinating the work necessary to support the achievement of these IDESG Strategic Objectives, it will require the expertise, talent, and resources located across the various committees of the IDESG in order to succeed in creating a tenable Identity Ecosystem Framework and TM program.

Through the Management Council Workplan Recommendations, the TFTM has been assigned the role of principle architect for the IDESG TM and certification program. Once the committee has developed a recommended strategy for the IDESG TM and certification program, , and the IDESG has approved this strategy, the primary focus will shift to the creation of an enforceable and operational program, which will require assessment and certification criteria. Here, the TFTM considers the committees the IDESG’s primary forums for technical expertise to be the most effective conduits for the development of assessment and certification criteria. It is expected that the Privacy Committee, Security Committee, User Experience Committee, and Standards Committee will all contribute directly to IDESG criteria. The TFTM will help to coordinate and consolidate the output of these committees into a comprehensive and operational TM program.

We should recognize that our criteria are likely to change over time and with operational practice. To achieve the Management Council Workplan Recommendations for timely implementation of the IDESG TM and certification program the committees listed above will likely need to collaborate closely to prioritize their efforts for a phased implementation schedule that builds towards full implementation of the four NSTIC objectives and evolves as necessary to adjust to new risks and technologies.

Outside of specific certification criteria, the TFTM and development of the Identity Ecosystem Framework will remain dependent upon the vital work that the IDESG committees have already begun. Specifically, the TFTM considers the work on functional models, use cases, and taxonomy to be foundational to framework development and subsequently essential to any form of TM program. The TFTM will maintain close collaboration with these committees throughout the development of their own work products. The TFTM will also seek expert and community insight from members of the Health Care, Financial Services, and International committees as they begin to coordinate development of the Identity Ecosystem framework.

As part of this effort, it is important for the IDESG to recognize the effort and cost on Trust Framework Providers (TFP) to implement the accreditation and certification program, and have the IDESG work to leverage existing accreditation and certification programs where possible.

In the end, the Identity Ecosystem Framework and the TM program are Steering Group products that will require the support and ownership of the entire organization’s committees and members.