UXC Requirements and Guidelines for TFTM

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Creating UXC Requirements and Guidelines

The UXC committed to this in our submission to the NPO, per NIST NPO and UXC Commitments for 2014-15: https://www.idecosystem.org/filedepot/folder/25?fid=1459:
Publish UX and Usability Impact Assessment for incorporation in the IDESG Trustmark Program. This Impact Assessment will be completed by the entity requesting Trustmark certification. It shall include any explanations as to why they didn't choose to follow the published guidelines or patterns.

This includes a "General UX and Usability Impact Assessment" for application review of Guidelines and answering questions
These documents would need to go through normal channels including:

  • review by other committees
  • review by Privacy committee
  • review and acceptance by Plenary

Reference Docs for Development of UXC Requirements and Guidelines delivery to TFTM

UX Requirements and Guidelines

Metrics for Assessing Adherence to Requirements and Guidelines