UXC worklist
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Link: User_Experience
User Experience Committee Worklist
This worklist includes items we currently work on, items we are considering, items other IDESG groups have asked us to consider, and items we have cataloged but which haven't yet become a priority.
Initially, we will create a list and then go through through the committee to prioritize the work and categorize it into the above sections.
NOTE that we provided NIST and the NPO with some UXC Commitments for 2014-15: https://workspace.idesg.org/kws/groups/FMO/documents?folder_id=147)
Potential work for the UXC committee, based upon the commitments list maintained by Paul Knight here: https://workspace.idesg.org/kws/groups/chairs/documents/idef117/document?document_id=239
- Provide usability assistance with the IDESG website and / or other IDESG committees for how to evaluate their own work product for good usability and user experience -- Provide a Resources and / or Help Section or guidelines for others in IDESG about usability and user experience https://wiki.idesg.org/wiki/index.php?title=UXC_resources
- Requirements and Supplemental Guidance V2 by July 2016
- Approaches to User Experience
- Design Pattern and Anti-Pattern work (First two to be submitted to TFTM, Privacy and MC for information review, February 2016)
- Common Design Pattern and fit with Reqs / Guidelines: https://wiki.idesg.org/wiki/index.php?title=Design_Pattern%3A_Common_to_any_Internet_Identity_Ecosystem
- Trustmark Evolving Pattern: https://wiki.idesg.org/wiki/index.php?title=Trustmark_Evolving_Design_Pattern
- https://www.idesg.org/wiki/Identity_Design_Patterns
- https://www.idesg.org/wiki/User_Intent_Pattern
- https://www.idesg.org/wiki/User_Choice_Pattern
- Common Design Pattern and fit with Reqs / Guidelines: https://wiki.idesg.org/wiki/index.php?title=Design_Pattern%3A_Common_to_any_Internet_Identity_Ecosystem
- Design Pattern and Anti-Pattern work (First two to be submitted to TFTM, Privacy and MC for information review, February 2016)
- UXC Requirements and Guidelines for TFTM
- User Experience Trust Metrics, in prep for TFTM guidelines on UX implementation, located here: https://www.idesg.org/wiki/User_Experience_Trust_Metrics
- Completed V.1 of UX requirements, supplemental guidance and evaluation metrics.
- Assess the NSTIC requirements against the UXC work projects to evaluate whether we are meeting core NSTIC goals. Located here: https://www.idecosystem.org/filedepot?fid=1372 or here in UXC NSTIC Principles
- Ken Klingenstein pilot review of Privacy Lens
- Standards submitted for adoption to SCC:
- ISO/IEC Guide 98-1: Uncertainty of Measurement https://wiki.idesg.org/wiki/index.php?title=ISO_98-1%3A_Uncertainty_of_measurement_%E2%80%94_Part_1
- ISO/IEC 9410-210: Ergonomics of human– system interaction — Part 210: Human-centred design for interactive systems https://wiki.idesg.org/wiki/index.php?title=ISO_9241-210_Ergonomics_of_human%E2%80%93system_interaction